How To Customize a Website Template

Your professional website should be your hardest working employee - it should consistently push your visitors through your sales funnel and function as a system that allows you to spend your time how you want (without worrying about work!). 

Your website is often the first impression you make with potential clients so it needs to be memorable, carefully planned, and strategically designed. This takes time and specific skills and that’s why a lot of entrepreneurs turn to alternatives rather than DIY their website. 

Website templates are a popular option for online coaches and course creators. They’re easier than building a website from scratch and less expensive than a custom built website. If you want to quickly and affordably launch a professional website, then website templates are an ideal solution.

What is a website template?

A website template is a pre-made website design that you can easily add your content and brand elements to. You can change the colors, fonts, and images and you can also rearrange page sections. It’s really easy to create a website design that works for your business with a high quality website template. 

How do you find a high quality website template?

There’s a few signs to look for and best practices to follow when searching for a website template. Just keep in mind that your website is a central piece of your online business, so quality should be your number one priority! 

  • Do your research! The best approach to finding a high quality website template is to find a designer you trust. Instagram and Pinterest are great platforms to find and connect with website designers, so start there to find a website designer. Look for someone who meets your technical requirements (platform, niche, experience level…) and also someone who is responsive and will help you if you have any issues. Make sure the designer has a clear line of communication like a contact page, social media presence, or professional email address!
  • Get to know the platform! A professionally designed website template on a platform that isn’t ideal for you will never work out, so get to know the platform before you purchase anything. If you don’t know what platform you want to use, then do some research. We love Kajabi and highly recommend it for online coaches and course creators (read more about Kajabi here). The important thing is that you find a platform that works for your business model! Pro tip - go with a website platform that has great customer support like live chat and 24 hour call lines. 

Your website gives your potential clients an opportunity to get to know you and what you do, so make sure you find a website template design that you really love

How to customize your website template!

If you’re concerned about making your website template stand out and feel like you, then you should know there are several ways you can customize your website template. You can add your visual elements, brand photography, and copywriting to create a website that works for your business. Follow these tips to customize your website template to create a unique space where your target audience can learn more about you. 


Branding. The purpose of visual branding is to create recognition and trust with your audience, so it’s important to pay attention to detail. A brand board will help you create a cohesive look across all the platforms you use - your website, social media, landing pages, blog, email campaigns… Start with a simple brand board that has your logo, submarks, colors, fonts, and photo inspiration (you can use our free Canva brand board template!)

Another great way to customize your website template is to use brand photography. It gives your audience a chance to get to know your personality which is an important part of branding. Make sure you use high quality photos for your website. There are several options depending on your budget - you can hire a professional photographer, or do a DIY session with a friend or use freeze frames from a video (use presets to make your photos look professional). 

The goal is to create a cohesive look across platforms so that your audience recognizes your brand immediately. Creating this visual familiarity will help you build know, like, and trust with your audience. 

Tips for branding:

  • Start with the core brand elements - logo, colors, fonts, and imagery.
  • Organize your brand elements with a complete brand kit, brand board, or software.
  • Choose a color palette that you actually like - it makes designing content so much easier.
  • Use fonts that are easy to read - script fonts should only be used for accent fonts. 
  • Don’t be afraid to rebrand! It happens all the time for various reasons - just be honest with your followers and make it fun!  


Copywriting. You should consider copywriting part of your branding because it includes your tone and messaging. Your copywriting should convey your personality and the reason why you started your business which is all a part of your brand story. 

Copywriting is the most effective way to customize your website template. It gives you the opportunity to create a captivating story that makes your viewers want to keep reading. So you should expect to spend a lot of time (and research) on this step. 

Good copywriting is all about connecting with the viewer. You should speak directly to them using their language and tell them you understand their pains and you know how to help. Your website copywriting should compel your audience to take the next step with you. 

Tips for website copywriting:

  • Don’t use industry jargon - use the same language your ideal client would use.
  • Tell your audience why you started your business - about me pages are great for this.
  • Use your sales funnel to write copy that brings your audience closer to your offer.
  • Sprinkle in calls to action that tell your website visitors exactly what to do next.
  • Be authentic! It will help you find ideal clients who really want to work with you.


Search Engine Optimization. Copywriting and SEO are not the same thing - SEO drives traffic and copywriting drives conversions. Your SEO is what brings your audience to your website and it can be used in multiple ways - even as a part of your copywriting. It’s an important step for customizing your website template because it’s what helps you drive qualified leads. 

Search engine optimization is all about connecting with your target audience. It helps you develop a niche and weed out traffic that will never convert. It also helps you rank higher on search engines so that you’re more likely to be found by your ideal client.

SEO opportunities are different for every website platform, so you should look into what your platform offers. For example, Kajabi provides SEO opportunities that are both seen and unseen by our website visitors like page descriptions, custom titles, and image alt text. Make sure you use every SEO opportunity available on your website platform - it makes a big difference with indexing and ranking. 

Tips for website SEO:

  • Do your research to understand how your target audience searches for solutions. 
  • Don’t use image alt text to pack in keywords - the purpose is digital accessibility for all your website visitors and it should be clear, concise, and detailed. 
  • Use Google Analytics to track your website traffic and understand user behavior.
  • Do a website SEO audit quarterly - you’d be surprised how often the lingo changes. 
  • Remember that SEO and copywriting work together but they are not the same! 


Functionality. Your website functionality is an important part of user experience and could cause you to have a high bounce rate if it’s not prioritized. A functional website is easy to navigate, loads fast, and feels put together. 

A high quality website template will have a functional design that has all the sections and pages you need to effectively share your expertise. And there are a few ways you can customize your website template to optimize your user experience. 

The first step is to clarify the purpose of your website so that you can find an ideal website template. Consider all the content that your audience needs to see before taking the final step with you, then think about how you want to display that information. Create a flow of information that makes sense and encourages viewers to click through. 

Tips for website functionality:

  • Add an emotional call to your homepage that speaks directly to your target audience.
  • Make sure your photos, videos, and other graphic elements are the correct size.
  • Don’t overwhelm your audience with too many calls to action - each web page has its own purpose and should have a simple call to action. 
  • Use Google Search Console to find page issues and monitor website performance.
  • Create a journey for your audience - almost like having a conversation!


We love to share tips about website templates, website platforms, and website design. The purpose of our blog posts is to answer common questions and share tips we’ve learned from our own experience. If you found this content helpful, then follow us on social media to get even more tips - Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest!


Here’s some of our other blogs that may be helpful if you’re ready to launch a professional website!


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