How To Create Brand Recognition

branding tips Jan 26, 2022
It’s no secret that brand recognition is key to the long-term success of your business. Building a recognizable brand is how you create know, like, and trust with your audience. When consumers see a brand they recognize, they are more likely to stop scrolling, consume the content, and connect with the creator. So, building brand recognition is a necessary step in building your dream business!
What is brand recognition?
First, let’s talk about branding in general. Branding is everything about your business that makes it unique - your values and goals, your visual elements, and your overall client experience. It’s every little detail you pour into creating a unique and special experience for your clients - from your gorgeously designed website to your offboarding experience and everything in between! 
Brand recognition is the end-goal of branding - it’s the ability of your audience to identify your brand without you explicitly saying ‘Hey, it’s me!’.  To create brand recognition you need to look at every touch point you have with your audience and make sure you are providing a high-value and consistent experience from beginning to end. Creating brand recognition is about paying attention to the small details and creating a unique experience that ultimately gets your audience to choose you over your competitors. 
So, how do you build brand recognition? 
It’s important to understand that building brand recognition is a long-term strategy. It takes time and patience, a solid strategy, and a lot of data analysis! But the alternative is pretty ugly, so let’s get started!
Start by writing down the reason you started your business. Your entire brand strategy should center around this reason, so make sure you are clear about your goals and values, who you serve, and what problems you solve. Understanding this will help you identify your niche so that you can efficiently and effectively connect with your target audience. 
Now you can start shaping your messaging. Creating a recognizable brand is about more than just a beautifully designed logo or dreamy color palette, it also requires strategic copywriting that tells your audience exactly who you are and how you can help. Your messaging and tone are part of the client experience and they should reflect the goals and values of your business. Sharing high-value content that resonates with your target audience will help you create a recognizable brand. 
And finally, let’s talk about the visual aspect of brand recognition! We talk about consistency often and that’s because it is sooooo important. You need to build a brand that is visually recognizable by sharing consistent content that your audience will immediately recognize. The online space is crowded and it’s a constant battle to stop the scroll, and the easiest way to capture your audience's attention is by sharing visually consistent content. You can use a brand board or brand kit to organize your brand elements - here’s a link to our FREE Brand Board! - so you can quickly create consistent content. 
Tools to help you build a recognizable brand!
If this all seems like a lot of work, we get it! Building a recognizable brand is a process that can’t be done overnight. BUT, there are actionable steps you can take and tools you can implement to get you on the right track!
One tool you should absolutely add to your bag is a project management system that can keep all your strategies and plans organized in one place! If you’re looking for an all-in-one project management tool, then you should check out ClickUp. We love it because it has all the tools we need to stay connected, organized, and on track, but the important thing is to find one that works for you! Having a project management tool will help you organize your entire brand strategy so you can stay on track, share new content, and build a recognizable brand. 
Another tool you should consider using is a design platform where you can create consistent content. Canva is a popular design platform among small business owners because it has an intuitive design and user-friendly interface. The best part about Canva is that it is designed to help you succeed. It has amazing tools built in to help you build a cohesive brand and create consistent content to promote your brand. 
The final tool we highly recommend is a content calendar. Sharing content is an important step in creating a recognizable brand and when you’re using multiple platforms to promote your brand, the strategy can become overwhelming. Having a content calendar where you can organize your content in one convenient place will help you stay connected with your audience across platforms. Creating a content calendar was a top priority for us when we launched The Empowering Collective because we use multiple platforms, so we created a calendar that keeps us organized. Creating or finding an organization system for your content will help you share content consistently and build a recognizable brand. 

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