9 Details Your Client Welcome Packet Needs

A client welcome packet is exactly what you need to start off on the right foot with new clients. It puts a system in place that saves you and your clients a lot of time. Your welcome packet should show your clients an overview of your processes, manage expectations, and establish boundaries. It should also create excitement for your clients and reassure them they made the right decision. 

You can structure your client welcome packet whatever way works best for your coaching program or online course, but there are several things it must include. These 9 onboarding details will give your clients all the information they need to successfully work with you. 

Welcome Note

It’s always good to start with a quick note to welcome your new clients. It’s your opportunity to reintroduce yourself and your business. At this point your client should already know who you are and what you do, so this is where you can build on that. You can use the welcome note to get your clients excited about working with you. It reaffirms your clients confidence and sets the tone for working together. 


Give your new client a glimpse of what’s coming. It helps you manage expectations and stay organized. It also shows your client that you know what you’re doing because you have a proven process in place. You can use flow charts, infographics, or write-it out. Just make sure your client knows exactly what to expect. 


Reiterate the goals you have for your new client. This is something your client should already know, but it’s good practice to list them out at the beginning of your working relationship. It shows your client that you understand their needs and you know how to help them get the results they want. It also reassures them that they are finally in the right place. 


The timeline is probably the most important piece of information for your new client. They are definitely going to want to know when they’ll start seeing results. Adding a timeline to your welcome guide helps you manage those expectations. The timeline can be presented graphically or written out. Just don’t overwhelm your new client with too many specifics - an overview of major milestones with context is all you need.


Give your client any resources they will need to work with you. You can link them to any online resources or include digital resources in the welcome guide. Be very specific about why they need the resources and how to utilize them. This is going to set your clients up for success and build the confidence they need to grow. 


Adding homework to your client's welcome packet is the perfect way to ensure they’re moving in the right direction. It helps effortlessly guide them through your program and continuously build on the progress you’re making together. It also shows you the areas of improvement that you can work on with your clients. 


Answer your frequently asked questions so your client doesn’t have to. It makes things so much easier for you and your client. No matter how much detail you carefully add to your welcome guide, your new clients will have questions. The FAQ page is your opportunity to filter out some of the questions while also reassuring your client that you really know what you’re doing. 


Set up a clear line of communication with your new client. Make sure they know exactly how to get in touch with you AND when they can expect a response. If you’re only available certain days of the week, then make sure your clients know that. This will help manage expectations and maintain boundaries for your working relationship. 

The Next Step

This is the most important piece of information for both you and your client! You should always end with a call to action that tells your client exactly what to do next. You don’t want your client missing out on important steps or falling behind, and you certainly don’t want to answer the same question over and over. This saves both of you A LOT of time! 

Design your welcome guide in Canva!

Canva is the best design platform for creating content for your clients. From social media to your website (and everything in between), Canva has the tools you need to run your online coaching business. You can sign up for a free Canva account or get a free trial for Canva Pro. Canva has free templates you can choose from or you can use a professionally designed template. 

Templates are a great option for busy entrepreneurs who need to skip the learning curve. They are designed to help you easily create marketing and branding content for your online business. Just update the templates with your brand colors, copywriting, and images. 

Our Canva templates are strategically designed to help you run your online coaching business. Visit our shop to find all the digital tools you need to build and grow your dream business! 

Multi-Purpose Client Workbook

Our Canva Workbooks are designed for versatility! Create a Client Welcome Packet, Lead Magnet, Client Homework, Client Worksheets, Offboarding Packet, and more. 


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